Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self Destruct by Ben Sanders – Graphic Novel for Kids

⭐Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self Destruct
✒️🎨Ben Sanders
📔Little Tiger Books – kindly sent for review ad-pr

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Read on to find out why we’re thrilled with the latest graphic novel Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self Destruct.

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It’s no secret that we adore Graphic Novels in our house so we’re always eager to devour a New Release.

What we Love

🖤Limited, punchy palette of black, red and white has a cool retro feel and will appeal to a wide audience.

🖤It’s a good length for children who can feel overwhelmed by the size of a book. Children will feel that they are reading at a good velocity especially with the book’s romping pace and deadly, deadline!

🖤A great text for showing the incredible partnership of words and images and how they come together to make a brilliant read.

🖤Particularly useful as a tool to explore writer and illustrator tools that bring a book to life. Loved the use of footnotes but I can’t tell you any more about that as I don’t want to spoil things.

🖤The description is brilliant and I don’t usually just copy the publishers words but this synopsis gives you a real feel for the witty, pun-filled, escapade of loveable hero Agent Harri!…

This book will explode in 5 minutes. NO TIME TO LOSE! Agent Harrier must follow the red wire and defuse the bomb before it’s too late. Will our canine spy extraordinaire save everyone from being blasted to smithereens? And just WHO planted the wretched bomb in the first place?! Be careful not to bark up the wrong tree, Harrier – it looks like something very fishy could be *ahem* apaw . . .

🖤As a rough guide I’d say around 6 years +. I’m also a firm believer that yes graphic novels can be a great bridge between picture books and chapter books yet equally I feel they deserve their own stand alone spotlight. I certainly don’t feel that either my daughter or I will pass them over once she’s firmly embedded in chapter books – we love graphic novels too much!

Buy Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self Destruct

If you’re looking for more fabulous graphic novels released in 2024 then check out this blog post.

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