Be A Scribe! Working for a Better Life in Ancient Egypt

⭐Be A Scribe!: Working for a Better Life in Ancient Egypt
✒️Michael Hoffen
✒️Christian Casey
✒️Jen Thum
🎨Cover illustration by Joel Tippie
📔Callaway – thank you Sally Oliphant for sending this one for review

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Be A Scribe!

Be A Scribe! embarks on an illuminating journey through the sands of time to unravel the enigmatic world of Ancient Egypt. I’m a child of the 80s and vividly remember some of my favourite Usborne history books as a kid. Do you remember these?

I had a Roman one that totally fascinated me. It was this one. Do you remember it or am I just showing my age! Be a Scribe! had me gripped from start to finish and made me feel like a kid again – totally absorbed.

Children’s History Book with a Twist

Yet Be A Scribe! is a history book with a difference. It’s a translation of an ancient papyrus. Author Michael Hoffen (a teenager himself) became obsessed with The Instruction of Khety. Do check out what Michael has to say about the book himself. What an inspiration for kids to see what he’s achieved.

The papyrus tells the story of Pepi, a teenager in ancient Egypt who travels with his father to learn how to be a scribe. Along the way his father describes terrible jobs that Pepi may have to do if he doesn’t become a scribe.

Throughout we are given translations for hieroglyphs and their pronunciations which are fascinating and add another dimension to this superb non-fiction text.

We like this National Geographic post that gives a little more information on hieroglyphics and the video below too.

Life in Ancient Egypt

What sets Be A Scribe! apart is its unwavering commitment to authenticity. Drawing upon a wealth of archaeological evidence, textual sources, and artistic representations, the book breathes life into the past, offering readers an unparalleled glimpse into the daily rituals, customs, and aspirations of the ancient Egyptians.

Furthermore, the visual feast presented in Be A Scribe! is nothing short of breathtaking. Lavishly illustrated with stunning photographs, intricate diagrams, and meticulous reconstructions, each page invites readers to embark on a visual odyssey through the storied halls of Egypt’s past.

Be A Scribe Conclusion

In conclusion, whether you’re a seasoned Egyptologist or a casual enthusiast, this book is an absolute must read. Prepare to be enthralled, enlightened, and utterly captivated by the magic of Ancient Egypt. You won’t be able to put it down!

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