Have you heard of Conker the Chameleon? If not, go and get yourself a copy of the book immediately – you have really missed out! You can find my review here. Conker and the Monkey Trap is the latest Conker book and I very much hope Hannah will write a third.
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⭐Conker and the Monkey Trap
✒ @h.j.peckham
🎨Stephanie Jayne

Kindness Superpower
As a parent, and erstwhile primary school teacher, one of the most important responsibilities I felt and feel with my daughter is supporting them to be kind. I feel passionately that kindness is one of the most wonderful things and is a real superpower.

Often in life there are positives and negatives. Kindness is an element that is special as there is only positive. If you are on the receiving end of kindness it feels magical and if you are the one giving kindness you equally feel pretty awesome.

Conker and the Monkey Trap Synopsis
Conker and the monkey trap tells the story of Conker and new friends Sanjeet the lorikeet and Maud the monkey. In this story Conker helps both lost and hurt Sanjeet and Maud who’s stuck in a trap. It’s a story of bravery, kindness and friendship.

Hannah Peckham
Hannah writes in rhyme again for Conker’s next instalment and as always there is a lovely flow and depth of meaning to her words. There’s a couple of sections where Hannah refers to advice given to the young characters by family that are particularly sweet.

The font is written in dyslexia friendly font as author Hannah is also dyslexic and knows how important it is to make books accessible to all.

As always with Hannah’s books they are only the beginning of your journey. There are plenty of points for discussion and those are aided by the probing questions at the back of the book and the various activities.

We absolutely recommend the latest Conker book – well done Hannah and Stephanie another triumph.