I stumbled upon Later from @justimagine_books. It’s written by #CurtisAckie and illustrated by #ConstanzaGoeppinger. Later is published by @formy_books. Have you discovered them yet?

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Formy Books is a family run #IndiePublisher determined to increase black representation in all books for children.

Sensory Treat, Dyslexic Friendly
There’s so much to love about this book Later. Firstly, the feel of the front cover is almost velvety to the touch. I do love how books feel. Do you? The typeface is dyslexic friendly and I adore the Afro-Caribbean vernacular used.

Rhyming Text
The text is rhyming and has a lovely pace that carries you through the book. Repeated refrains are perfect for children to join in and my daughter particularly enjoyed the various ways the door was knocked. You’ll be playing the knocking on the door – who is it – game all day 😉.

Later Synopsis
Later tells a heartwarming story of two excitable children at home with Dad awaiting the return of Mum. Will it be her knocking on the door? Such a simple idea but one told with warmth and certainly a situation we’ve had in our home.

The illustrations are rich with plenty of everyday objects to spot and enjoy. There’s patterns in the drawings whether it be the design of someone’s clothes or in the home.

Must Reads 2022
Check out more Must Reads that I read in 2022. Exceptional books for kids and adults!
Challenging Gender Stereotyping
Gender stereotyping is certainly challenged with traditional, dated roles thrown out the window. Our favourite picture is the front cover that is mirrored on the final page of the book – a great big hug!

Later needs a home in every bookshelf and especially in schools and libraries.