When is it Spring for you? Is it when the Snowdrops start to pop through the hard earth, the beginning of March (or September in the Southern Hemisphere) or on the day of the Spring Equinox? Whenever it is, I love to gather together all our Spring resources, especially our Spring books.
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Spring Books
Some books stay out all year round in our house. Others take their seasonal turn. In this blog post I’ll share some of our favourite Spring books with you. Do you have a favourite Spring book?
You can see the books mentioned in this post in the Busy Busy Learning Bookshop here. You’ll find an amazon list here, which can be really helpful for getting inside pictures of books you’re interested in. If possible, do buy from your local independent bookseller or look for second hand copies.

Moomin and the Spring Surprise
Moomin and the Spring Surprise published by Penguin. We adore the Moomins in our house; stories inspired by nature and family values. These new series editions are based on the original stories by Tove Jansson. They are a little different to previous formats. They have been designed to entice and even younger reader with its picture book, rather than chapter book, style. We’re very excited for a new release this Summer that you can pre-order Moomin and the Midsummer Mystery.

The Song of Spring
The Song of Spring written by Hendrik Jonas and published by Prestel. If you haven’t had the pleasure of a book from Prestel before let me tell you that they are always such beautiful quality. Most that I have come as a wonderful matt, hardback cover. They would make ideal gifts. This is such a lovely book which really gets little ones joining in with the sounds of the animals as little bird looks to find a bird friend.
Out and About – A First Book of Poems
Out and About – A First Book of Poems by the wonderful Shirley Hughes and published by Walker Books. As you would expect from Shirley Hughes, whimsically magnificent illustrations are married together with rich poetry that is set out in seasonal ‘chapters’.

Spring by Gerda Muller and published by Floris Books. I buy my Floris Books direct from them or have had them as part of a subscription from Yes Bebe Books. If you’re a subscriber to Floris Books’ newsletter you get, usually weekly, emails from them with offers on selected books. Subscribers also get a free book (from a selection of three) each time you order.
Spring is part of a set of each of the seasons (you can get them individually). They are wordless books with the most sublime images depicting different Spring scenes. So many opportunities to spot delightful animals, plants and objects in each picture and make up your own oral stories to complement.

Harvey the Gardener
Harvey the Gardener by Lars Klinting and published by Kingfisher Books. I got this one second hand. It’s such a gentle story while also going through how to plant a bean and what it needs to grow. A superb introduction to planting through stories. If you’re familiar with Jasper’s Beanstalk it’s a similar sort of story sequence, but a more meatier story with more text per page.

Through the Seasons
Through the Seasons by Sarah Laidlaw and published by Floris Books (see Spring above for where I buy my Floris books from and discounts/ free books). Another glorious, wordless Floris book. The images are so rich and warm and certainly make you want to jump into the page and immerse yourself in the season of that page.

Flower Fairies – Spring
Flower Fairies – Spring by Cicely Mary Baker and published by Warne. My copy of this is a much older edition of this book. As a child I grew up reciting these poems while sat under a grand Willow tree in our garden. I don’t know where my copies went, but I found a set in a charity shop a few years back. They are delightful poems about different fairies of flowers and plants that you would expect to see seasonal in the UK.
Brambly Hedge – Spring
Brambly Hedge – Spring by Jill Barklem is one of a series of books written about the seasonal, nature inspired mice of Brambly Hedge and their adventures. These are the sweetest books and a real favourite in our house. I was recommended to find the series on YouTube. It’s just under 30 minutes long and perfect for those days when everyone needs a little rest time. Here’s the Spring Story.
Petr Horácek Board Book Delights
Petr Horácek is an author illustrator that as a family we truly adore. We’ve seen him several times at literary events and he has a wonderful way of inspiring everyone to pick up a sketchbook and get creative. My daughter has been spellbound by his work.
His style invites children to have a go at drawing themselves and he takes joy in sharing his creative secrets to unlock the illustrators of the next generation.

Little Chick and Little Bunny are new releases for 2024 and they have a wonderful nostalgic feel of the traditional Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and other books but with Petr’s unique wonder.
They’re really sturdy books designed for even the toughest love, published by Walker Books. Each spread has a peep through for little ones to explore. These would make such beautiful, seasonal gifts. They’re books that are designed for tiddlers but still enthrall my daughter at seven who wants to try and emulate Petr’s style of drawing and collage in the books.
Usborne Life Cycles One Little Chick
Even the youngest of children love big concepts. They want to absorb them like sponges. Think about metamorphosis. Most children once they’ve been introduced to Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar grasp the complex concept of a life cycle from caterpillar to butterfly remembering specific vocabulary such as cocoon.

Children want to know more and often there is a gap whereby non-fiction, scientific information is in books suitable for older children.
Usborne have got the perfect combination in their Life Cycles series. One Little Chick published in February 2024 is the latest in the collection.

These books are sturdy board books, delicately illustrated with little peep holes for intrigue yet packed full of facts to show children the life cycle of a chick. Technical language such as in the image above ‘pullet’ and ‘comb’ are the kind of facts that children love to gather.
Here’s a peep inside.
The Story Orchestra – Four Seasons in One Day

The Story Orchestra – Four Seasons in One Day illustrated by Jessica Courtney-Tickle, written by Katie Cotton with notes by Katy Flint and published by Frances Lincoln. This books is part of an incredible series, we have them all! Divine snippets of classical music accompanied by dreamy illustrations and a wonderful story; what’s not to adore!

Here’s a review I did of Carnival of the Animals. The Magic Flute and I Can Play joined in October 2021.

The Seedling That Didn’t Want To Grow
The Seedling That Didn’t Want To Grow by Britta Teckentrup and published by Prestel. A very treasured book on our shelves. Beautifully illustrated, it’s more than just a book about the life cycle of a seed. It subtly, but powerfully shows how it’s good to be different and the strength and perseverance you have when supported by your friends; in this case, stunningly illustrated creatures for you to spot in the book.

I Ate Sunshine For Breakfast
I Ate Sunshine For Breakfast by Michael Holland and Philip Giordano and published by Flying Eye Books. This is more than just a book for Spring, but a superb one for understanding the intrinsic relations that we have with plants around the world.

There’s so much science, yet written in a fun, engaging and accessible way. The graphics are incredible and a very unique, appealing style for young audiences. This will be one you keep on your bookshelf and return to time and time again.

A Year Around the Great Oak
A Year Around the Great Oak by Gerda Muller and published by Floris Books. You’ll see I mentioned in the book ‘Spring’ section that I get my books direct from Floris and why.
This books is such an incredible all year round book that takes you through the life cycle of an oak tree by following the beautiful story of a brother and sister who go to visit their cousin in the countryside periodically in the year. They are left awestruck by the wonders that surround them and develop a special fondness for the great oak tree.
There are two versions of this book. The new version has an extended section at the back with lots of factual information to accompany the story.
Seasons by Alain Gree and published by Button Books. If you’ve already discovered the charming work of Alain Gree then you won’t be disappointed by this edition. If not, then welcome to the wonderful world of the French author and illustrator. He has such a distinctive style that uses rich, warm colours in a traditional, friendly, open style. Seasons is a simple layout introducing children to the joys of each season.

Little Bear’s Spring
Little Bear’s Spring by Elli Woollard and Briony May Smith and published by Macmillan Children’s Books. I have to confess that this book stays out all year round as we love it so much. Little bear wakes from the Winter and goes off to explore the world around him and find a friend, little does he know a friend may be closer than he thinks.
A new arrival September 2020 from Elli and Briony – Little Goose’s Autumn is equally as cherished here. I do hope we’ll get a Summer and Winter edition in the future.

What’s Next?
What’s Next? by Timothy Knapman and Jane McGuiness and published by Walker Books. There are so many lovely contrasts and similarities throughout this book. It’s not specifically a Spring book, but the vivid, daytime imagery certainly has a Spring/ Summer feel. My daughter loves joining in with the repeated refrain – What’s next?

The Very Hungry Hedgehog
The Very Hungry Hedgehog by Rosie Wellesley and published by Pavilion Children’s Books. The perfect book for animal loving children and understanding the need for animals to find food after their winter hibernation. A great moral around sharing too.
Looking for Easter book and craft inspiration – check out this post.