The Cats Who Wanted More – Katie Sahota and Naomi Tipping

The Cats Who Wanted More

“It all started on a day like any other…” just like most days where something spectacular happens.  Just how a book can start like many others but be spectacular and take you in directions you never expected from a children’s book.

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Social Justice for Kids?

The Cats Who Wanted More is a superbly entertaining, vibrant take on recent events which manages to incorporate a satirical assessment of media manipulation, social injustice, wealth inequality, materialism…the list goes on.

But hold on.  You’re thinking I don’t want to read a book about these topics with my child (or possibly ever).  Well, this book entertains the reader on whatever level they wish to engage with it.  Floss (6 years old) enjoyed figuring out what the cheeky cats were up to and seeing how they nearly got away with their evil schemes before finally getting their comeuppance.

Thought Provoking Read

How does the comeuppance come about?  Well, communicating with those we think are different to us. Understanding their point of view. Listening.

A great solution which can help us all in these perpetually divided times.  I love that Floss sees this message in her books.  I love that her books make this point to me, I need reminding too.

Every reader will take something different away from it but whatever that is, let’s listen to one another about it! I imagine I’ll hear you telling me how much you enjoyed it but if not I’m happy to listen to why. 

Give this book a read.  For me, it is my book of the year.

Many thanks to Owlet Press for sending this incredible book our way to review.

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