The Encyclopedia of STEM Words by Jenny Jacoby and Vicky Barker

A Passion for STEM

The Encyclopedia of STEM Words by Jenny Jacoby and Vicky Barker. Published by b small publishing (sent for review). It’s a superb compendium of key vocabulary that you may encounter in the world of STEM. STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

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Following on from my A-Levels in Physics, Chemistry and Maths I studied Chemistry at university. So I’ve had experience of a plethora of textbooks on STEM topics.

Non-Fiction STEM Words for Visual Learners

I’ve always been a very visual learner. Topics that are depicted through diagrams and aren’t too word heavy are my preference. This book has the perfect balance of both.

There’s something quite nostalgic for me in style. My love of STEM came from my Mom and her passion for it. As a child she had a magazine subscription to Understanding Science. It was an incredible periodical that was so visually impactful.

Ideal STEM Book

Obviously as with anything STEM there are continual advancements and therefore my beloved Understanding Science are a little out dated. However, The Encyclopedia of STEM Words has good longevity with key terms that are defined well.

The book has a contents page and index and the terms are laid out in alphabetical order. There’s an alphabet at the top of each page with the letter you are on highlighted. This aids young readers in navigating the book.

A clever addition is that the index doubles as a glossary. Terms that are in bold in the text can be found in the index. A brief definition is given – genius.

Concise but Robust

It’s such a skill to be able to disseminate complex ideas in a concise manner that can be understood by all. Jenny Jacoby absolutely has this skill. Vicky Barker’s diagrams are quirky and fun but are more than just eye candy. Each image helps aid the understanding of the reader in perfect harmony with Jenny’s text.

Highly Recommended STEM Book

It’s a highly recommend from me. Finally, it’s also a text I would encourage all schools and libraries to have multiple copies of as well as a reference copy at home. Perfect for #TeachKidsTuesdays. For readers around 7 years + and certainly a book that I would encourage secondary schools to have too.

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