The Spoonie Life of Bookworms #003

Welcome to the slow, gentle spoonie life of chronically ill bookworms. It’s been a rather spoon lacking week this week!

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Friday should just be renamed SPLAT day. We did manage The Phoenix Dragon Guard – create your own dragon session. Floss and I both loved it.

Library Time

Daddy and Floss got to the library. She was over the moon to be able to chat to one of the volunteers at the library about the book Fire Cat by Pippa Goodhart and Philip Hurst that she got last week. There were a couple of reserved books to collect and Floss chose a couple from the same series which look perfect for her.

I did manage to review an early chapter book from Usborne that we’d both really enjoyed called Tiny the Secret Adventurer. Find the review and activity sheets here.

Our book at bedtime was Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic. A brilliant start tonight, we’re excited for the rest of the week.

Saturday & Sunday

We spent the weekend with family. It’s a long drive – around 3 hours. You’d think that sitting in a car would have us both well rested but it has the opposite effect and really drains us. I needed a hydrocortisone injection on the Saturday night. We did enjoy simple pleasures like watching the ducks and swans and had a delicious lunch at Giggling Squid.

I’m determined to go through the blog and update old posts and make sure they are still relevant. 10 ways to Survive Your PGCE got a little update today.

Bedtime Reading

Floss and her Nanny have a lovely ritual of Nanny orally telling her stories she’s made up before bed. Floss adores it. I was desperate to carry on reading Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic. Temptation to carry on reading without Floss was high, yet I resisted!


Rest day today after the weekend. However, I feel super excited that I cleaned the fridge and freezer out. Does that make me really sad!

8 Incredible Graphic Novels for Kids was the blog post I wrote today. Graphic novels are Floss’s genre of choice at the moment and it was so hard to choose just eight to recommend. Do you have any kids graphic novels you’d recommend?

An update on an older Tonie post also happened to include new Tonies for August 2023 and their Tonie character sale location.

Bedtime Reading

Delighted to be back reading Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic tonight. Matty Long has the most incredible, expansive imagination. We love the humour in the book too. It’s like one of those clever Pixar films where the humour is on different levels for different viewers!


Today’s been quite a productive day although full of lifemin! I wrote a blog post, not for my site, but for a company who I write them for. I’d been putting off completing a grant evaluation form for the arts and crafts group that I run. It’s not that I didn’t want to do it. It was that it was an online form that you had to complete in one sitting and couldn’t find out the questions in advance. My autistic brain doesn’t like things like that! I got it completed today – woohoo!

Managed to join in with the Top Ten Tuesday meme this week. The theme was water and I loved picking these covers. Starting School Reception Checklist blog post got a little spruce up too.

Floss had a great day with her auntie and cousin. They went to Nandos and the Mad Museum. She adored the Mad Museum and I wants to go back. There’s a section with marble runs that she couldn’t get enough of.

I may have made myself a cheeky mug cake today. I realised we made cakes on Tuesday last week too!

Bedtime reading continues with Super Happy Magic Forest – incredible!


A hospital appointment day today for Floss. Thankfully it was a doctor we’ve seen before which always helps but it still makes the day tricky. We’ve found letting her take her tablet with headphones works very well. She still listens to everything going on but she can pretend like she isn’t and it helps her feel more comfortable.

Had a good update of one of the most popular posts on my blog today – Tonie Box or Yoto Player? I have lots of thoughts about which audio player is better for different children. Feel free to pick my brains!


This morning Floss and I attended an online art session with The London Drawing Group – Aboriginal Art. A great way to spend an hour.

After Floss wanted to carry on crafting and I read the rest of Dragon Girls book we started the other week. We’d had to stop as Floss was so excited for Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic that we’d paused Dragon Girls. We finished Super Happy Magic Forest tonight and promptly requested the next from the library.

Finished updating Phonics – What is Phase 2 SATPIN? blog post today. As an erstwhile primary school teacher I’m a big fan of phonics as one part of a child’s journey in learning to read. I didn’t learn phonics as a child (probably showing my age). Phonics I learnt as part of my PGCE course. I wish I had learnt phonics as a child. It certainly makes reading unfamiliar words do much easier.

Floss is not so eager to be returning to school next week but we’re starting to get her prepared. A new water bottle has been a hit.

More About Us

The slow, gentle spoonie life of chronically ill bookworms. We’re often too tired and not 100% to do everything that we want to and we’re learning that that’s ok. We struggle to keep up with ‘weekly’ themes, memes and life in general – we do like to drop in when we can. We’ll often have to cancel on you last minute and rearrange! Snuggles, books and being creative are things that bring us joy and are often the few things we can do.

What is the meaning of Spoonie Life?

The term “Spoonie” originated from a chronic illness blogger who utilised spoons as a metaphor to illustrate the daily energy levels of individuals with chronic illnesses, revealing how simple tasks such as washing or dressing consume a portion or all of their available energy. Each day you wake with a limited number of spoons; some days the spoons don’t get replenished!

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