I’m joining in with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and it’s for anyone who loves books, lists and great bookish company! Sounds perfect to me. Do check out everyone else’s bookish goals for 2023.
Here’s my Bookish Goals for 2023. Do you fancy taking up any of these?

- Read more poetry; broaden my range of poetry. In 2022 I started a new habit to read at least one piece of poetry every day and I completely loved it. I’m carrying on for 2023. If you’d like to discover what poetry I’m reading head to my ‘A Poem a Day’ posts here. The poetry I read is often for children, teens and adults.
- Be more selective with the books I choose to read and review.
- Stick to my NetGalley plan – do not request another book until I’ve finished one. Oh gosh this is going to be so hard. Does anyone else struggle with NetGalley over requesting syndrome!?

- Discover more graphic novels as my daughter Floss has a real love of them.
- Post consistently on the blog trying to keep as best I can to my blog plan. Fortnightly Bookworm Buzz to be my top priority. Do you have a blog plan? Is it electronic or paper? What helps you keep on track?

- Sort through the bookshelves in our home and donate books that are ready for a new home.
- Read audio books. I’ve not really read audio books before. I’ve read my first one in 2023 and I’m eager for more.
- Always have a book, kindle or audio book available to read for those few moments in the day when time allows.

- Start a reading bullet journal.
- Track the types of books that I read in 2023. Am I reading fiction, non-fiction, poetry, graphic novels. Are my book choices diverse in their authors and illustrators and well as their characters? Do you track this type of information. How do you track?

I definitely suffer from NetGalley over-requesting syndrome! My reading/review ration reflects that – I think it’s at 7%?? Ha ha. Good luck with all your goals.
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
It took me over a year to deal with my NetGalley nightmare lol. Hope you manage to conquer yours this year!