Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?
What a prompt for me. I get incredible attached to lots of things. It’s something I’m working on, being able to let go. I mentioned in this post about my reception classroom being stored in my garage! Maybe 2024 is the year that the garage finds a new purpose.

Toy Stash
Above is my stash of toys from when I was a child that I still have now. Did you have any of the toys in the picture? My daughter loves playing with these toys now. I love seeing her play with my childhood treasures.
Can you guess from the toys what decade I was born?
Let me know in comments…
What Treasures Will Be Next?
I wonder what toys my daughter will hold onto and will become her keepsakes in years to come. What toys will she share with her children and grandchildren?
I had a gyroscope but nothing else in your picture. I think I was born a few decades before you.