It’s W W W Wednesday! Hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. You can find Sam’s post for this week here.
The Three Ws are:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
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I lost a day of reading after having my eyes dilated this week! However, I’ve still managed to fit in a few books. I’m very excited for some 2023 releases – here’s a few I’m very eager to see.
Currently Reading
eBooks on the Kindle

I’m close to finishing Woodwitch. It’s due for release in the UK on 2nd March 2023. It’s book two in Skye McKenna’s compelling series. You can find my review of book one Hedgewitch here.
I’ve been very lucky to get an eARC of Batcat by Meggie Ramm (Amulet Books, £9.99) Out 27 April 2023. My daughter Floss and I are a few pages in and absolutely loving it – laugh out loud moments galore. It reminds us of another series we love Bumble and Snug.

Just Finished Reading
The Bear and her Book: There’s More to See
All book lovers need this sort of dreamy book in their lives. You can find my review of The Bear and her Book: There’s More to See here.

Like A Charm
Just finished on my Yoto Mini from Borrow Box Like A Charm by Elle McNicoll – it’s really not what I expected. Not sure what I was expecting, but thoroughly enjoyed and I found I loved the second half of the book even more.

Daughter of the Moon Goddess
Oh I loved Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan! You could absolutely read this as a stand alone but I’m also eager to read book two, the final in the series.

Frank and Bert: The One Where Bert Learns to Ride a Bike

Frank and Bert: The One Where Bert Learns to Ride a Bike by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros is such a cute read. We loved the first book and this one is just as loveable.
Bookworm Buzz
Looking for children’s book recommendations including new releases? If so, head over to Bookworm Buzz to find the latest newsletter here.

Future Reading
Onyeka and the Rise of the Rebels

Can’t wait to start Onyeka and the Rise of the Rebels by Tolá Okogwu. I’ve recently finished Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun. It was brilliant and I’ve got hight hopes for the latest installment.
You can find my review of book one – Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun here.
Nura and the Immortal Palace
Nura and the Immortal Palace by M.T. Khan is one that’s been teetering on the top of my TBR pile for a while. The cover is just so inviting. Can’t wait to start this one.

Any of these on your read or TBR pile?

I loved Daughter of the Moon Goddess too. I hope you enjoy the sequel .
Thank you – I’m desperately trying to work out when I can fit it in #BookwormTroubles 😉
The ever lasting problems of a book lover 😃😃