Chances are you’ve found your way here because you already have a Yoto Player or Yoto Mini Player and are interested in making your own pixel art. If you’ve no clue what a Yoto Player is then head to this post. If you’d like to know about accessing free Yoto audio files then head to this one.
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Yoto Pixel Art – What’s in this post?
- What is Yoto pixel art?
- How to upload pixel art to your Yoto cards?
- How to make your own pixel art for Yoto Players?
- Where to discover Yoto pixel art that others have made?
Where to Buy Yoto Make Your Own Cards
BIG changes have happened to the Yoto Club. To find out more check out this post.
What is Yoto Pixel Art?
Yoto is an audio player where you play purchased audio cards or create your own audio content on Yoto Make Your Own Cards. As technology goes it could probably be considered ‘screen free’ in many ways.
However, there is a small pixelated interface on both the Yoto Player and Yoto Player Mini. The one side of the Yoto Player has the pixelated interface whilst on the Yoto Mini Player there is a mini little interface in the bottom right hand corner. My daughter loves these little pixel images.
If you’ve got a child who loves being creative like I have then being able to create pixel art is a brilliant way to engage with the Yoto player in another way. Further into the post I’ll show you how you can create your own either on paper or using an application.
Each purchased Yoto cards has a pre-loaded pixel art. Each ‘chapter’ on the Yoto card has its own image. If you use Yoto Make Your Own Cards then you can select from pre-existing pixel images to add to each of your chapters. I’ll show you how to do this next.
How to Upload Pixel Art to your Yoto Make Your Own Card
Here are the steps you need to take to add pixel art to your Make Your Own Yoto cards.
Firstly, you will need to go to the Yoto Make Your Own card part of the Yoto website – link here. You’ll need to log in if you aren’t already. Make sure you are in ‘Playlists’ and not ‘Podcasts’. Then click on the card you want to add pixel art to.
You’ll need to have already uploaded your card and you can find out more info on uploading your audio in this post.
Once you have selected the card then click on the little coloured plus symbol to the left of the track number.
The next image you will see looks like below. You have two options – ‘Yoto Icons’ and ‘My Icons’. Yoto Icons allows you to select from a range of Yoto pixel art. Just click on the image you want to use. Make sure to click ‘Update’ to save your choices.
If you want to upload your own pixel art onto the Yoto card select ‘My Icons’. You can uploaded the following types of files:
Best Pixel Art File Type for Yoto
However, Yoto recommend the best file type to be PNG 16 x 16 pixels with a transparent background and avoiding black which doesn’t show up.
Click on ‘Upload Icon’ and you can now select your file as you normally would.
Don’t forget to click ‘Update’ to make sure you save the changes you have made to your card. As you can see below I selected from the Yoto Icons a giraffe for this musical track.
Next up, let me explain how to make your own pixel art for Yoto Make Your Own Cards.
Here’s a link to the Yoto guide on how to add custom icons to your Make Your Own cards.
Where to Buy Yoto Make Your Own Cards
BIG changes have happened to the Yoto Club. To find out more check out this post.
How to Make Your Own Yoto Pixel Art is a great free resource to be able to make your own pixel art. You can then choose to download your art in a format that is optimal for Yoto Make Your Own pixel art. The free version does have ads that pop up but it’s still a great free tool.
When you first load onto the website you will need to set the size. You want to choose 16 x 16 pixels. You can then create your art.
Another way is to use what I would class as old school ‘Paint’ application. When you open a new document either click ‘File’ and ‘Image Properties’ or ‘ctrl E’. Then select pixels and size 16 x 16. You’ll need to make the page size as big as possible, but even then it is still quite small to work on.
Yoto Space have a downloadable 16 x 16 grid that you can draw out your design first using coloured pens/ pencils before adding to a computer app/ program. This could mean that your child can draw out their design for you to make the pixel image on a computer/ phone.
Where to Find Yoto Pixel Art?
There are a couple of places that you can find ready made pixel art for your Yoto Make Your Own Cards online. Yoto Icons have a great range of pixel art that you can download for free. Yoto Space is another resource where you can find pixel art to download for free. Both of these resources have new designs being added frequently. You can also upload your designs so that other can make use of them too.
Make Your Own Pixel Art for Yoto
Hopefully, this blog post has given you all the information you need to be able to select, create, upload and discover pixel art for your Yoto Make Your Own Cards. For more tips and ideas for Yoto players join our Facebook group. You might also like our Arts and Crafts group too.
Where to Buy Yoto Players and Yoto discount codes
IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE FROM YOTO FOR YOTO MINI PLAYERS DECEMBER 2024 – you will get an email from Yoto directly if you have purchased an affected Yoto Mini (2021-23 editions) but you can find out more information here and order your lithium battery replacement kit here. This is further to the April 2024 cable replacement. Find out more about Yoto recalls in this post.
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