Moth Books and Resources
Here’s a little round up of our eclectic mix of books and resources to explore moths. We follow a curriculum from @raisinglittleshoots called Exploring Nature with Children. Each week of the year has a different, often seasonal theme to base your nature study around. If you’d like to discover more search the hashtags #ENWC and #ExploringNatureWithChildren. There is a weekly specific hashtag too. For moth week it’s #ENWCMothWeek.
Join our new Facebook group for nature learning explorers here.
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Although Exploring Nature with Children is a nature based curriculum we love to incorporate fictional texts and poetry into our week to compliment the nature themes.
Moths are one of those insects that seem to get a lot of negative press. I used to be terrified of them. I think I still would be if our daughter didn’t have such an obsession with them. She’s really taught me to appreciate their beauty. Here are our recommendations for resources to learn about moths.
The Woolly Bear Caterpillar
The Woolly Bear Caterpillar published by Macmillan Children’s Books could not have been released at a more perfect time ready for our moth week. It’s not often moths get centre stage in a book and especially with an incredible dream-team pairing of Julia Donaldson and Yuval Zommer.
It’s very much a retelling of the Ugly Duckling story yet with Yuval’s incredible illustrations and some of Julia’s word magic. I love how Julia often incorporates song into the stories she writes. It a great way for little ones to join in orally with a story before they are able to read a story for themselves.
We bought our copy from Far From The Madding Crowd Linlithgow Indie bookshop who were offering a free Julia Donaldson mini workshop with the book purchase. We loved the workshop. There’s so many brilliant, virtual book events available right now that are perfect for young bookworms.
Moth and Butterfly Printables
The stunning, watercolour butterfly and moth poster is from Fiddlesticks Education. They used to be part of a pack but it seems to have been retired. If you’d like them it’s worth messaging Becca as I’m sure she’d make them available.
Moth Colouring Page
Moths colouring page was a freebie from the lovely @raising_up_wild_things. I’ve printed ours onto card as Floss is into colouring, cutting and then using as props in her play.
Usborne Spotter Cards
Usborne insect spotter cards – there’s eight moths in total in the pack – four on the reverse. In total there are 100 insect fact cards in a pack. We got ours second hand in a charity shop but you can often find them on Ebay/ Amazon. There’s a little mini Usborne book that’s a great spotter guide too.
The Lost Spells
The Lost Spells published by Penguin Random House has stunning illustrations by Jackie Morris and beautiful poetry #RobertMacFarlane – moths are a theme of one of the poems. If you’d like to know more about The Lost Spells head to this blog post here.
The Natural History Book
The Natural History Book would be one of my top recommendations for followers of this curriculum or anyone with an interest in nature. There’s a little bit of something about everything and a plethora of moths. This is the link for the 2021 edition.
A great little National Geographic Kids book called Insects is perfect if you’re more Montessori for books and like images to be real – the images are eye-poppingly good.
Herbert’s Garden
Herbert’s Garden Big Picture Press by Lara Hawthorne Illustration isn’t strictly about moths, but there is a moth character who spots the beauty in Herbert, an adorable slug, who I defy anyone not to fall in love with.
You can find more caterpillar books that we love in this post here. I’m incredibly pleased that 2024 sees Graffeg Books republishing a huge favourite of mine Christopher’s Caterpillars!
Other Caterpillar, Moth & Butterfly Resources
The Wildlife Trust is always one of my go to places to find great resources to compliment what we’re exploring. They’ve got a lovely spotter sheet that you can print out and also a page with lots of facts about each moth.
Here’s a little free download you might like. Caterpillar life cycle that you can use as ID cards, order or print a couple of copies to make Montessori three part cards or play as a matching game too.
More Books…
Eek! My first every YouTube video. If you’d like a little peep inside some of our favourite caterpillar, butterfly and moth books then check out the video below.
If you’d like more ideas for nature exploring then head to our Pinterest account. You can also find more books and resource ideas for studying moths, caterpillars and butterflies here.