Our Week – Waldorf Rhythm – Pond Life

Goodbye January

This week we’ve said goodbye to January. It’s been a really busy week for us, but our daily and weekly rhythm have helped to keep things moving along smoothly. It’s the predictable moments in our rhythm such as getting ready to leave the house that help our days go well even when things are a little manic.

January is always a good time to start something new, so I’m making a few changes to the blog and my social media accounts. I’m looking to do a round up on the blog, here’s the first! I can’t decide whether it will be weekly or monthly – time will tell. It will document what we’ve been doing and learning at home. Hope you enjoy and feel free to get in touch with any questions or comments.

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Welcome February – Perpetual Calendar

One of Floss’s favourite morning time activities is updating our calendar and weather. She’s always very excited when it is a change of month. We’ve just had this beautiful Grimm’s Seasonal Festivity Stand arrive. It was actually my October birthday present – I was just waiting for it to come back into stock. Our weather pegs are hand painted by the lovely Emma from Resourceful Me . The Grapat Perpetual Calendar fits perfectly on the stand and this month Floss has chosen the Snowdrops fairy to sit on February’s circle.

Having a predictable rhythm to our week means that Floss has a good understanding of the days of the week. We used our Flockmen to make days of the week people to go with our calendar – here’s a blog post I did on getting creative with your Flockmen.

Waldorf Parent and Child Group

Each week Floss and I go to a Waldorf parent and child group. It’s quite simply the highlight of our week. Just over a couple of hours spent in delightful company doing things that Floss and I love – beautiful play, crafts, singing, storytelling, sharing food and exploring nature. What could be better?!

This week we headed to one of the group teacher’s houses where they’d made an Earth Candle. The children hunted around the garden for shells and stones to decorate the candle – it was magical watching their faces as the candle wicks were lit and they were told how this would wake up the seed babies. We also spotted some beautiful snowdrops in their lovely garden too. Here’s a lovely little Snowdrops song.

Candlemas Celebrations

We’ve been enjoying lots of warm honey and lemon tea over the past few weeks and this week we’ve saved our lemon skins to make candles for Candlemas on the 2nd February. We’ll also roll some beeswax candles. Here’s a blog post of us doing this last Summer.

Exploring Nature with Children

We follow the Exploring Nature with Children curriculum and eagerly anticipate the arrival of any week that we can incorporate trees. Therefore, we’ve decided to learn more about trees throughout different weeks. I’m determined to learn more alongside Floss this year too.

This week we’ve looked at Holly. Another name for Holly is Ilex – apparently Latin meaning Holm-Oak or evergreen oak.

Officially, for Exploring Nature with Children it is Winter Pond week. We are lucky that Floss’s Nanny has a pond in her garden and it’s been interesting to listen to Floss talk about pond life in winter and the stark contrast to the hive of Summer activity found in the pond. The stillness and quietness is quite profound.

I’ve popped a couple of photos on of previous pond resources we’ve used incase you find them useful.

We made a small world pond play scene together which was lots of fun. It’s very green and we talked lots about how different this was to how our Winter world around us is currently looking.

Tinker Tray – Loose Parts

Sometimes you just need a few minutes to get things done. First thing in the morning I’ve often got a few jobs to get done which are much easier to do without ‘help’, or on a Sunday morning I enjoy a few minutes with a crossword. When I know I need 10 minutes I always try and prepare something the night before that I know will captivate Floss’s attention, but doesn’t need me. This week her favourite has been this wintery tinker tray of loose parts and interesting objects. What activities give you a few minutes to yourself?

Baking and Crafts

A resolution for me in the new year was to do more baking. This week we’ve made scones and apple and cinnamon muffins. Both totally delicious and highly recommended! Floss has requested we make vanilla cakes next week, but Daddy wants lemon cakes – hmmm we’ll see who gets their way!

I did a simple, mini needle felting tutorial this week too if you’re interested in taking a look on my Facebook page here.

Spring Updates

Has anyone else spotted the new Grimm’s Spring update this week. This lovely picture was from their Instagram account of their new products.

What are we doing this week?

  • We’ll be joining in with Exploring Nature with Children Candlemas week.
  • Floss would like to look at winter flowers and gems this week.
  • Heading to the library
  • Making a fairy garden

Hope you have a wonderfilled week. Love Lisa and Floss xx

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