Hedgewitch by Skye McKenna

Hedgewitch Book Review

We won Hedgewitch on a @toppsta giveaway and wow is it a brilliant read by @skyemc_kenna. If you’ve got a child who loves stories about magic and fantasy worlds then this is the book for them.

It’s a superb blend of friendship, magic and adventure. The world that Skye creates is totally absorbing and vividly real.

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I have to say this was one of those books that I did sneak off with and read on by myself as I couldn’t wait to find out what was happening. It’s got a brilliant pace with great character development.

The publishers recommended reading age is 9 years +. It’s quite a hefty length and so I would say it would be suited to 9+ year olds who have a good stamina with books. Chapter 1-4 is quite dark in a more ‘real world’ way in which Cassie our protagonist is bullied both verbally and physically.

If you have a more sensitive child I’d consider waiting until they are a little older for the start. From chapter 5 onwards you are more in the world of fantasy and actually I feel that the writing is then suitable for a younger audience.

My five year old very much enjoyed listening to parts of the story, especially any parts with the cat Montague in! I chose to omit some parts of the first few chapters as she is a more sensitive soul.


In short, Cassie escapes a boarding school where her mother left her seven years prior promising to return. As soon as she evades the school and THE DOG she is thrust into a magical world. It’s a world that she’s been reading and dreaming about all her life. Her mission is to find her mother, but there are problems along the way. This is the first book in a five part series.

It’s a great read and we all enjoyed the classic – fall helpless into the writers world – storytelling. It’s due for release in the UK on the 14th April 2022. Very much looking forward to the rest in the series.

Book 2 – Woodwitch

Thank you to Welbeck publishers and NetGalley for letting me read an eARC of the second book in this spellbinding series – Woodwitch. I’ve just finished it and eager to get the next book in the series – I do hope we don’t have too long to wait.

Although a book series you feel quite satisfied with each ending and it’s not left as a painful cliffhanger. However, there are enough unanswered questions left to make you want more.

Woodwitch Synopsis

In Woodwitch the Erl King of the land of Fairie is searching for something, something deadly that will put everything Cassie and her friends and family hold dear. Temptation is rife and only the strongest will be able to resist. Will the ghosts of Cassie’s past hold her back.

Woodwitch Review

Woodwitch sees the return of our favourite friends Cassie, Tabitha and Rue and it feels so lovely that this friendship continues to blossom and be a foundation for who Cassie is now after her harsh past in Hedgewitch.

We delve deeper into the character of Ivy this time and how Cassie and Ivy’s families have a shared history that has sealed both of their fates.

I loved the character of Miss Early. Although she seems quite incidental in many ways I feel her views on magic, humans and creatures from Fairie have left a profound effect on Cassie that I believe will steer the rest of the series going forward.

I’ve tried very hard not to give much away in the way of spoilers. If you’re looking for magic, adventure, friendship and a little bit of gentle peril then this is the perfect book series for you.

Woodwitch publishes on 2nd March 2023. You can pre-order using the links below.

If you do have a magic book lover then I’d highly recommend The Lost Spells; it’s something a little different from their usual fiction read. If you’d like a little more information on Lost Spells you’ll find it in this blog post here.

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