Unicorn Boy by Dave Roman – Incredible Graphic Novel for Kids

Have you joined the world of graphic novels? If you have a child who struggles with chapter books and the volume of text. A child who doesn’t have a love for reading. Or like my daughter adores art then graphic novels could be the perfect book for you. We love Unicorn Boy and highly recommend it.

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Unicorn Boy

Top Pick – Unicorn Boy – totally brilliant. Brian is an ordinary, shy boy until one day he begins to grow a unicorn horn. Brian doesn’t want the attention that comes with it – especially not the evil forces it attracts. However, when his best friend Avery is kidnapped he must call upon some unexpected help (a muffin and a black cat) to help him get back his bestie.

Obliterating Gender Stereotypes

The illustrations are superb. The book is packed full of ways to be a good friend and how people who love you accept you for who you are no matter what. I particularly like that it totally obliterates gender stereotyping too. It’s a must read.

Clear Text

The text is usually lowercase with speech bubbles that make it easy to distinguish from the pictures. On the odd page where the text is with the images like the rainbow spread above then there is a good level of contrast.

Meatier Vocabulary

The vocabulary in Unicorn Boy is a little meatier which Floss loved with most of the new language either explained or the meaning can be interpreted from the rest of the sentence or the images.

Unicorn Boy Book 2?

I’m always thrilled when I discover that a book has ‘book 1’ written by the title as it makes me excited that there should be a book 2! I really hope we’ll get another installment of Unicorn Boy it’s a book that my seven year old and I both loved.

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