Yoto Cards Sale – New 2024 Cards

New Yoto Cards for Yoto Player and Yoto Mini

Yoto Player and Yoto Mini are great screen free audio players for kids. If you’re deciding between a Yoto Player and Yoto Mini this comparison post will help. Once you have chosen your player you’re going to want Yoto cards. Read on to find out how to find Yoto cards on sale.

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Where to Buy Yoto Players and Yoto discount code

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE FROM YOTO FOR YOTO MINI PLAYERS – you will get an email from Yoto directly if you have purchased one but you can find out more information here.

Last Chance Yoto Cards

Throughout the year there are often Yoto cards on sale and other discount offers to entice. Click on the country below for ‘Last Chance’ discounted Yoto cards:

Yoto Card Wish List

When family and friends ask – what does x want for their next birthday/ Christmas you can have a wish list of Yoto cards. Currently, we have a Google sheet that we use for this purpose.

2024 New Yoto Card Releases

My daughter Floss obviously always gets excited with new card releases. We tend to buy a few at the same time and then I dish them out over a period of time. To find the latest Yoto releases use the links below:

New Yoto Card Releases

You’ll find some of our favourite picks appearing here from new releases added throughout the year. Additionally, if I find any resources that may be useful to use alongside the cards I will also add these.

June 2024 New Release

Starlight Express

Click on the buttons below to head to the Yoto card in your country.

Starlight Express is a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber that’s arrived into the Yoto world. It gives 57 minutes of audio content.

There are 13 song tracks that have child friendly introductions at the beginning to tell the story.

Free Yoto Content for Make Your Own Cards

If you’re looking for free Yoto content for your make your own cards then head to this blog post for lots of places to get audio player content.

Where to Buy Yoto Players and Yoto discount code

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE FROM YOTO FOR YOTO MINI PLAYERS – you will get an email from Yoto directly if you have purchased one but you can find out more information here.