What genre do your kids love? Maybe something spooky is the ideal kind of book for your child/ren. Halloween is the perfect time of year to try something a little scary and seasonal on your audio player – Yoto Player. This blog post will show you Yoto spooky stories cards that would be perfect as well as how to access free audio scary content. If you’re looking for Tonie suggestions check out this post.

Magical Themes
When looking for spooky stories it’s important to go with what you know your child will be comfortable with. It may be that just having a ‘magical’ theme is more appropriate for your child. However, some children are looking for a little fear factor. Some series such as Harry Potter get a little more scary as the books progress so that’s something to consider.
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Yoto Cards for Spooky Stories and Halloween
Yoto have termed Halloween as Yotoween and have a range of cards available in different countries that fit a magical, spooky or scary theme.

Yotoween Collections for Halloween and Spooky Story Seekers
Click on the links below to discover cards perfect for this festive season from your part of the world.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter audio books have arrived on Yoto cards and you can purchase the full collection or whichever one you’d like; they are being sold as singles and multipacks.
Yoto gives an age range of from 7 years plus. I would say that as the books progress they do get a lot darker. My daughter is 8 and enjoyed the first book – The Philosophers Stone but book 2 and 3 had bits that were a bit darker and she didn’t enjoy so much. However, my nephew who’s younger loves them. It’s just something worth considering and I certainly would consider the content of some of the latter books before sharing with a younger audience.

Below are a couple of Yoto cards that are available in all areas with some quick seasonal content.
Spooky Songs

5 Minute Halloween Stories

Free Yoto Spooky Stories and Halloween Content for Tonieboxes
I would always advise reviewing content from third parties carefully before sharing with your child.
You can add podcasts directly to Yoto Make Your Own Cards. To find out more about how to do this check out this post.
- Unspookable is a podcast that you can access from this site you can add as a podcast or download episodes in mp3 format for your Yoto cards to play. It has a recommended age of 8+.
- Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest – What they say: In every episode of Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest, bestselling author Adam Gidwitz retells a classic fairy tale to a group of inquisitive kids, who anticipate plot twists, crack jokes, and share their own perspectives on these very Grimm tales. You can find the episode list here. To add the podcast use this RSS feed – https://feeds.megaphone.fm/PNA9230679490
- The Creeping Hour – What they say: Beware, these scary stories will transform you! The Creeping Hour is a horror anthology series hosted by the Creeps, three friends who listened to so many scary stories that they turned into monsters themselves. Gather your whole family to shiver with fright as you listen to the terrifying tales of The Creeping Hour. Listen if you dare. Don’t say we didn’t warn you! The Creeping Hour is a co-production of WGBH and Elie Lichtschein. Recommended for kids ages 8-12. You can find the episode list here. To add the podcast use this RSS feed – https://feeds.wgbh.org/250/feed-rss.xml

Free Yoto Content
- BorrowBox is available in certain countries and is a great way to borrow audio content that you can upload onto your Tonie Creatives for the duration of your load. To be able to download as an mp3 you need to click the link in the email that you get or download using a desktop device rather than app.
- Be sure to sign up to the Yoto app and for email newsletter notifications. Around festival times such as Halloween you will often find that Yoto will add free audio content that can be listened to for a limited period of time.
- Don’t forget that your Yoto Player and Yoto Mini Player can also be used as Bluetooth speakers so you can access content on other devices such as your phone and play through your audio player.
- For more free content ideas check out this post.
Where to Buy Yoto Make Your Own Cards
BIG changes have happened to the Yoto Club. To find out more check out this post.
As of 2024 I’ve started a Facebook group where I will be sharing lots of tips, resources to enjoy with your Tonies and Yoto and free content for audio players including Tonieboxes and Yoto Players – you can join the group here.