A delightful book from Happy Yak that has been very well thought out. Although a book aimed at under 3’s my daughter who is 5 really enjoyed exploring this book with me and reading the words on each page.
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My Garden – Seasonal Board Book
I’m a big fan of books that are based around the cyclical nature of our world – exploring the seasons. This book begins in Spring and goes through the seasons in turn.

Each double page spread has ten words. Some pages are of a seasonal scene such as the Autumn one above. Whereas others are lists of words appropriate to the time of year such as the Minibeasts page you can see.
My Garden – Vocabulary

There are plenty of nouns for children to increase their vocabulary but there are also adjectives and verbs. The adjectives often depicting feelings to develop children’s emotional literacy.
Diverse Book – Incidental Representation
It’s refreshing to see incidental representation in this book. The cover image is of a black child with visible hearing aids. There’s also a character with glasses. However, this isn’t a book about diversity it’s about the garden.

My favourite spread is at the back of the book in Winter. It’s a beautiful picture with children who appear to be with grandparents with words like ‘hugging’ and ‘jolly’. When did we get to a point where ‘fire pit’ became more every day language. I love it!
The illustrations are fun and vibrant. There’s plenty for children to explore and discover on each page.

Thank you to #NetGAlley and #HappyYak for my eARC.

This book would be a lovely gift with a little garden kit to match. This little BigJigs green set from John Lewis is super cute. I’m also a little bit in love with this mini wheel barrow.
You might be interested in the garden blog post series I write for little ones. They’re some of my most read posts on the website especially the mud kitchen, water play and mark making ones.

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Are you looking for a little garden inspiration? Would you like your children to be able to explore the outdoors and enjoy learning through play? This is the series for you. Click on the titles below to head to that blog post:

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