Wolf Girl by Jo Loring-Fisher

Wolf Girl by Jo Loring-Fisher Review

We thoroughly enjoyed Jo Loring-Fisher’s Taking Time so was excited to read her latest book Wolf Girl from QuartoKids. Thanks NetGalley for the eARC.

I was always a shy child, well I still am very shy, and so is my daughter, so this was a book that really resonated with me.

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It can be very hard when you are shy to get that brave feeling inside that helps you make steps towards making friends when you are shy.

Sensitively Written

This book illustrates this situation in such a kind, delicate way. I loved the analogy of the cosy protective cave that mimicked Sophy’s safe space, her den.

The vocabulary is sublime and the way Jo uses words to form her sentences is nothing short of magical. It would be an ideal book to use as a class text when exploring descriptive language.

‘…hot, salty tears streamed down her cheeks.’

I won’t spoil the opening paragraph but it was totally spellbinding and had me hooked from the beginning. Just like Jo’s words her illustrations are equally dreamy and totally encapsulate you in Sophy’s world.

Such a clever palette of colour is used that subtly changes depending upon how Sophy is feeling. It’s a real treat of a book and the perfect book for any shy little ones out there.


If you’re looking to explore wolves after reading Wolf Girl then Fiddlesticks Education do a brilliant little Wolf Anatomy activity poster that you might like here.

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Images from Quarto

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