Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Books Activity: Audio Quiz

Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Books

Our daughter Floss is seven and adores the Zoe’s Rescue Zoo series. They’re an early independent chapter book series from publisher Nosy Crow. They’re written by Amelia Cobb and illustrated by Sophy Williams. Floss loves quizzes and therefore we came up with a little quiz. It’s a written quiz but it’s also available as an audio that you can play or add to a Yoto Player or Toniebox.

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Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Reading Level

Zoe’s Rescue Zoo books are a book band level brown and grey (find out more about book bands here). In many schools these stages can also be described as for ‘free readers’. The storylines are quite formulaic which make them great for children who like to feel quite safe in their reading material choices. Perfect for animal lovers! They’re black and white with detailed, sporadic illustrations throughout the book. The text size is good for young readers too.

The Messy Meerkat and Others

Zoes-Rescue-Zoo-The-Messy-Meerkat-by-Amelia-Cobb-and-Sophy-Williams book cover

Floss has just finished reading The Messy Meerkat to me. I love listening to her read books from this series to me. As many of the characters are the same through the series it gives her a brilliant opportunity to experiment and then settle on a ‘voice’ for a character.

You can check out the style of the inside spreads in these books as well as the beautiful illustrations and font type by checking out The Lonely Lion Cub.

Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Quiz

On with the quiz…

Do you love Zoe’s Rescue Zoo books? Let’s see how big a fan you are with these 10 questions. One little clue – you might want to take a couple of minutes to check out the front cover of one of the books before you start. Answers are at the end of the quiz. Good luck!


  1. What is the name of Zoe’s best friend in the books (clue: he’s an animal)?
  2. Who is the author of the book series?
  3. On the front cover what image is between the words Zoe’s and Rescue?
  4. What’s the name of the zoo manager?
  5. Zoe has a special pendant that opens up all the enclosures. What shape is it?
  6. Who is the illustrator of the book series?
  7. What is the name of Zoe’s Mum?
  8. Who owns the zoo?
  9. Zoe’s Rescue Zoo is published/ made by a publisher with a bird in its name. Which publisher is it?
  10. What is Meep’s favourite thing?

Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Quiz Audio Recording

You can add this quiz to a Yoto Player Make Your Own (MYO) Card or a Tonie Creative Character or play direct from another device.

Download “Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Quiz” Zoes-Rescue-Zoo-Books-Quiz.mp3 – Downloaded 18 times – 13.19 MB

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Spoiler Alert: Answers to Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Quiz


  1. Meep
  2. Amelia Cobb
  3. A hot air balloon
  4. Mr Pinch
  5. Paw shaped
  6. Sophy Williams
  7. Lucy
  8. Great Uncle Horace
  9. Nosy Crow
  10. Eating/ Food!


How many questions did you get right?

1-3 – You’re just warming up and you’ve got lots of exciting adventures ahead of you with Zoe and Meep.

4-6 – You know lots about the Zoe’s Rescue Zoo books and you’re well on your way to becoming a top fan.

7+ You are a top fan – you know so much about this series it’s probably time to start writing your very own adventure.

I hope you enjoyed the quiz – happy reading of more Zoe’s Rescue Zoo Books. Which one will you read next…?

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