Top Ten Tuesday – Forgotten Backlist Titles

I’m 5 weeks post surgery and the last couple of days I’ve really started to get my energy levels back. It feels good! I’m still struggling to do ‘proper’ reading but I can feel it’s on the horizon and I’m thrilled.

It’s the school holidays here and it’s lovely to have a more lazy, relaxed start to mornings with plenty of time for snuggles and crafting together. What are your mornings filled with this week?

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Joining in with Top Ten Tuesday

I’m joining in with Top Ten Tuesday this week as I’m feeling much healthier. I love the topic for this week as there are some many books that I love and want to rave about that aren’t recent releases.

Last week’s TTT was a struggle (I gave up) as it was books that I recently didn’t finish. I generally don’t like to shout too much about these books. You’ll find that books on my blog and socials are ones that I love. It’s not that I love every book, I just prefer not to say much about ones I didn’t.

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and it’s for anyone who loves books, lists and great bookish company! Sounds perfect to me.

Forgotten Backlist Titles

Although excited about this choice of ten there are so many others that I love too and it was so hard just to pick ten. You can find the list here.

Top Ten Tuesday Books – Forgotten Backlist Titles

A Kind of Spark

Super MUST READ book that brought me to tears several times!

Ace of Spades

Dark and incredible.

Once Upon a… Fairytale

An ingenious story book where the reader gets to take charge of the direction of the story. Spellbindingly illustrated.

The Bread Pet

Oozing diversity, community and love. A warming your heart tale.

The Cats Who Wanted More

Stand out book not just for kids!

Check out my review here.

The Mermaid in the Millpond

Friendship, history and myth all swirled into one in a quest for freedom.

The Silver Chain

A blow-you-away fiction title written in poetry form.

What if, Pig? book cover with wooden pig and fabric mouse toy

What if, Pig?

Aw you are going to fall hard for Pig. He’s just the most adorable character. A great book for little worriers.

Check out my review here.

When Life Gives You Mangoes

Probably my most recommended book of all time! It leaves a mark on your soul!

Join in…

Do go and check out others who join in with the Top Ten Tuesday meme. I love the look of the covers from Leah’s choices this week. The Chocolate Lady reminded me of a book I’ve been longing to read – A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian. Do feel free to add your link to your backlist choices in comments.

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