Autumn Books
In this blog post you’d find some of my top choices for Autumn books for children and families. For Autumn gift ideas for children with Autumnal birthdays or for seasonal presents head to this blog post.
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Seasonal books are wonderful. We have specific books for each season and they are like old friends that return for their turn throughout the year. Some books are perfect to explore the seasons but can also be enjoyed all year round too.

Looking for screen free fun that encourages reading and writing skills then this subscription is perfect. Join Banjo monthly in a different location around the world. Learn about the language, culture, food and landmarks in this child friendly way.
2023 Autumnal Book Releases
First up is a book perfect for those who celebrate Michaelmas on the 29th September. You can find my review here for Lottie, St Michael and the Lonely Dragon.

2022 Autumnal Book Releases

A stunning release from Floris Books for 2022 is Pomme and the Pumpkins. You can find my full review on Instagram here. It’s warm and rich and Admar Kwant gives a gloriously magical take on the life of a pumpkin.
Pikku Books have just released this stunning book Old Oak and Little Acorn by Elena Mannion and Erin Brown. You can find my full review and inside images in this blog post.

Below are some of my favourites from 2021. In the first image are wonderful books/ magazines from self published or small, independent publishers.

Squirrel and the Three Bears
Firstly, we love Tessa Yate’s (@happybookcompany) Squirrel and the Three Bears story, where Squirrel is late preparing for Winter and needs to pluck up the courage to ask for help. It’s beautifully illustrated and the three bears represent the three special men in her life.

A Year and a Day Magazine
Next is a wonderful, seasonal Waldorf publication by @ayearandadaymag. You can purchase A Year and A Day magazine from Conscious Craft. You can purchase a subscription or buy one off magazines that are £11. If you’re buying other things from Conscious Craft you can get £10 off your first order of £70 using this link.

They are truly magical with three stories and lots of activities to go with each story. Although each one has many elements to celebrate the seasons there are so many things to explore with each throughout the year.

Latest Edition
We’re still thoroughly enjoying this subscription and the Summer 24 should be arriving very soon.

Cyril Squirrel and the Wonderfully Worrisome Task
Then we have the adorable story of Cyril the Squirrel by @matthewscott_author which was very kindly sent to us. Cyril needs help and he’s a little apprehensive to ask his busy friends, will he be able to get help to work out what he needs to do to make sure his family have enough food over Winter? This is a lovely book for Autumn time, but perfect for all year round with its moral of being brave enough to ask for help.
One of the reasons I love children’s books so much, and I do mean physical books not ebooks, is that they give a real immersive, sensory experience for the reader. The language used as you hear them read, the illustrations which fill and delight your mind, the smell of the book and the feel of the pages.
Cyril Squirrel and the Wonderfully Worrisome Task has oodles to tantalise the senses. One thing I really love is the appearance and texture of the pages. The illustrations are beautifully glossy and in contrast the text is on soft, matt paper. I love unique little differences, quirks like this and it’s certainly something my daughter enjoys too.

Now our daughter is four she is often looking for more ‘meaty’ stories and finding picture books which have lengthier texts can be tricky. Cyril Squirrel and the Wonderfully Worrisome Task is one of these books, with plenty of story to devour. The vocabulary is brimming full of incredible word choices that would make great discussions points.
‘The branches were like long, knobbly, gnarly arms with sharp, boney fingers, pointing and reaching into the sky.’
What an image that sentence alone gives. Some words I hadn’t heard in ages such as ‘chuntering’ and ‘kerfuffle’ – love those words!

2021 New Autumn Publication – 50 Things to Try in Autumn by Kim Hankinson
50 Things to Try in Autumn couldn’t be a more exciting title for me – I adore Autumn. There are a plethora (well 50 😉) ideas to try in this perfectly compact little book for Autumn ranging from all sorts of indoor and outdoor pursuits.
Recommended age is from 6+ and I’d say this is an ideal age and would be good for further into primary for independent adventures and journaling.

There are other titles in this little series of Adventure Journals. A Winter edition is due for release in October 2021 too. There’s a very subtle word in the title that I believe children will find very enticing and that’s the word ‘try’. It’s not a book telling you to ‘do’ something, a concept that can make some of our little ones feel a little unsure and intimidated.
‘Try’ is more of an invitation – have a go – dip in and out as you please and find the ideas to try that appeal to you. A great way to develop a Growth Mindset. If you’re looking for a dreamy little activity book this Autumn then I would highly recommend this one. Published by B Small Publishing.
Autumn by Gerda Muller and Pippa and Pell in the Autumn Wind by Daniela Drescher

These are a couple of my favourite Autumnal books. Autumn by Gerda Muller is a wordless book with the most divine illustrations depicting many different nature inspired activities and play enjoyed throughout Autumn. So much opportunity for discussion and making up your own little narratives together.
Fire, Burn, Cauldron Bubble Magical Poems chosen by Paul Cookson and illustrated by Eilidh Muldoon
The perfect accompaniment to a Charlotte Mason inspired poetry tea time. Poetry is such a lovely ritual to add to your day, especially now the days are shorter and snuggling in a blanket an absolute must.

One Fox by Kate Read

Autumn is always a time of year when thoughts turn to woodland creatures. One Fox is the debut picture, counting book by Kate Read. She’s certainly an illustrator/ author to watch. The vocabulary in this simple book is wonderful and the illustrations dreamy. Lots of maths learning possibilities too.
The Mouse’s Apples by Frances Stickley and Kristyna Litten
The Mouse’s Apples is a delightful tale of friendship and sharing with the unlikeliest duo. Stunning illustrations meld into a beautiful mix with the ruminative text. An Autumn treat!

The Story Orchestra – Carnival of the Animals by Katy Flint and Jessica Courtney-Tickle

Not specifically an Autumn book, but just look at those rich colours – screaming to be enjoyed over the Autumnal season. I’ve been waiting for this incredible book to arrive all year and it hasn’t disappointed one bit.
Spectacularly amazing. Rich in so many dimensions from the music to the illustrations, from the words to the texture of the book. A sensory delight.
There’s also a another lovely one in the series called the Four Seasons In One Day that is a perfect seasonal treat.

More Autumn Books
The Apple Cake by Nienke van Hitchtum and Marjan can Zeyl

This wonderful classic The Apple Cake from Floris I’ve written about in the blog post above. This is a perfect Autumnal book to read together as a family about the importance of sharing and caring.
The Lost Spells by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris
Oh gosh it’s truly spell binding. I had the pleasure of watching a book launch live event by Penguin for The Lost Spells last night. What a wonderful way to spend an hour! The symbiotic dynamic between Rob and Jackie is magnetic and draws you into their world of wonder. My daughter is just four and loves listening to these ‘spells’.

Rob says he calls them spells as he’s not a poet – he knows poets and he can’t write poetry. However he chooses to describe himself he is a true wizard of words casting his spell together with soul companion of nature Jackie. A book for everyone. If you haven’t already listened to The Lost Words Blessing – a sung version of one of their poems from the first book The Lost Words do have a listen from the video below. I’m in love. Published by Penguin.
Christopher Pumpkin by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet

This is such a fun, cute book for Autumn. Christopher doesn’t want want to scare people, but the witch wants a spooky party. Luckily, Christopher knows just what to do.
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