Book Reviews – Why I Only Give 4 or 5 Star Reviews…

4 and 5 Star Reviews

From time to time I get asked why my book reviews are always four or five stars and never below.

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Does this mean my book reviews are genuine?

Back when I was studying English at GCSE I had an English teacher who basically told me she hated my style of writing and just couldn’t bare to read it 🤣 so much so she actually got another teacher to mark my work and give feedback.

A 5 Star favourite from 2021 – Climb

I totally got it – well I got her point but her delivery was certainly lacking! At 14 I was made to study Thomas Hardy in detail especially The Mayor of Casterbridge (I don’t think Tom’s going to care what I thought). I love detail and descriptive language, but wow! Anyone who can spend six pages describing a hedge repeatedly, certainly wasn’t for me!

Brilliant selection from our Cureadosity subscription in 2021

It made me realise that we’re all different and we all love different things. So, absolutely my reviews are genuine. But I only review books that we love. Whether that be books that we’ve purchased, been sent for review by a publisher/ author/ illustrator or borrowed from a library.

Be Kind

Authors and illustrators pour so much of themselves into their creations. Just because it wasn’t the book for me, doesn’t mean it’s not exactly what someone else was looking for. Therefore, I don’t want to put someone else off reading a book due to my personal opinion.

Brilliant, fun adventure book – The Museum of Marvellous Things – This one we won on a Toppsta giveaway. Full review can be found here.

You’ll always get what I honestly thought. Yet if it’s on our social media or the website then it’s a book we love. If I mention a book that I haven’t read, but it’s been highly recommended, I will always say.

What’s your thoughts on book reviews?

I’d love to know what you think. Let me know in comments below.


If you are a publisher, author or illustrator looking to collaborate please do get in touch via my social media channels or email

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