What is your mission?
What is a Mission?
There’s several dictionary definitions for a ‘mission’. Mission – a noun. I’m going to focus on the third definition I came across – a strongly felt aim, ambition or calling.

Mission Accomplished
I was very lucky that I found my mission incredibly early on in life. At the age of around three I declared that I would be a teacher and from then on my mission was to be a teacher. It was a calling. Something innate in me. Mission accomplished! I became a teacher.
I feel so grateful that I found my purpose in life. When I became a Mom I had my next mission, one I truly adore. If you’ve read any of my recent posts you’ll know that I haven’t been able to continue my mission of teaching in the classroom as I’d hoped. My physical health prevents me.

What’s My Purpose?
Now I’m stuck in this limbo land of wondering what is my purpose? For too long I’ve been holding onto the hope that things will change and I will be able to return to the person I was before; continue my mission. 2024 is the year that I need to discover my new mission. Have you had to change your purpose in life due to circumstances beyond your control? How did you find it? Did it take you long?

I’ve been waiting for new co-ordinates to lead me down the path to go next. It was so easy at three years old when my mission landed in my lap. This time around it doesn’t feel so easy. I think I need to take active steps to forge forwards.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

I was introduced to ACT today through a talking therapies service. It’s not an acronym I’d come across before. It stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Image from: https://www.kwmentalhealth.com/act-therapy
It certainly sounds like the kind of mindset that I need to help me move forward into finding my new mission and accepting that which I cannot change. Have you had any experience of ACT?

I enjoyed reading your post! Now, to answer your questions. Have you had to change your purpose in life due to circumstances beyond your control? Yes, I had to pivot very quickly during an economic downturn. I had to surrender my then-present career as a full-time mom to piece together four jobs to support myself and my son. After year two, I built a consulting practice that supported us for about five years. My first client came from a friend’s referral. My second came from talking to someone in the check-out line at Trader Joe’s, and my third came from elance.com, which is now upwork (I think). After that fifth year, I felt unfilled and wanted to return to my previous profession (before I became a FT mom). I surrendered to God, applied for positions nationwide, and moved halfway across the country to a rural town to accept a position at a small private liberal arts university. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I wish you all the best!
Thank you, oh wow what a journey you have been on and how wonderful that you got to such a positive experience. Sometimes it’s just about ploughing on isn’t it! What an inspiration thank you.