The Sunday Post – Book Blogger – 1st January 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberley @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This is my first time in joining in with The Sunday Post. I mainly read and review children’s and young adult books. However, for 2023 I’d love to dip my toe back into the world of adult fiction so I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s The Sunday Posts for inspiration.

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Last Week on the Blog

I’ve had Covid over Christmas and been in bed! My brain hasn’t really felt like reading much so instead I’ve added to the blog several reviews that were on Instagram and I needed to add here for my must reads that I read in 2022.

Must Reads 2022

Check out more Must Reads that I read in 2022. Exceptional books for kids and adults!

Also added on the blog:

New Arrivals

I decided not to add books received for Christmas. The bookworms we are there ends up being a lot! I’ll be adding reviews and thoughts on books we’re reading on the blog.

Library Book Haul

Bunny Vs Monkey is still LIFE for my daughter Floss! There’s a new one due out on 5th January 2023 which is of course on pre-order – Bunny vs Monkey: Multiverse Mix-up!

Audio Books

A couple of new Tonies ordered this week. I’ve also just ordered myself a little Yoto Mini player as I want to listen to more audio books this year. I know they’re for kids – but I think it could be the perfect solution for me!

Purchased Books

A rather random selection of books purchased using some Waterstones’ vouchers. Margaret’s Unicorn was a signed copy and the others were reduced in the sale.

This Week on the Blog

Around the Blogosphere

  • Enjoyed Stephen Writes post on top reads from 2022 that you can find here. You can see that my library book haul was inspired by this post and I loved the Gilded Ones too.

12 thoughts on “The Sunday Post – Book Blogger – 1st January 2023”

  1. Happy 2023, and welcome to the Sunday Post. Hope you find some fun new books. Looks like you’ve found some good kids books to enjoy.

    1. Library buddies! Looking forward to hearing what you think. Skandar and the Unicorn Thief is one I’ve heard so much about and very interested to read. Sounds quite dark in places so that’s intriguing for a children’s fiction. Happy New Year to you too.

    1. Thank you, I’m starting to feel better. It does seem like lots of people have had Covid or some other unpleasant bug over Christmas – such a shame but these things can’t be helped. Ow I’ll keep a look out for Nonna’s Corner features.

  2. Welcome to the Sunday Post! I used to be a regular but have been awol from blogging for a year or so… The New Year marks my return. 🙂

    I’m predominantly a romance / fantasy reader but I mix in a little bit of everything! Skandar and The Unicorn Thief is one I have on my TBR list thanks to my pre-teen son! I end up reading a fair amount of “middle grade”/YA fiction because of him. 🙂

    1. Thank you. I see you are UK based too. Looking forward to following along with your 2023 year of blogging. I do really enjoy middle grade and YA fiction. I have to say there are some seriously good books. My Mom who will be 70 this year often reads them after I’ve finished too!

  3. I hope you are feeling better. Being sick this time of year is a real bummer. Skander and the Unicorn Thief looks like a fun read. I read mostly adult fiction, but I do enjoy YA and middle grade fiction as well. I’m always on the lookout for recommendations for my daughter (and myself). I hope you have a great New Year!

    1. Finally starting to feel a little more human. I feel like I missed Christmas and New Year completely. How old is your daughter? I’ve got a 6 year old who is heavily into graphic novels right now. It’s not going to be long before I loose her completely in middle grade. I’m really looking forward to reading Skandar and the Unicorn Thief. Wishing you and your family a happy 2023.

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